Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Big News About Our Little Energy Bill

Senate Bill 1212, which would allow Charlottesville to create an innovative financing program for clean-energy improvements (as discussed here previously), has officially gone viral.

Once word got out about SB1212, other localities, starting with Albemarle County, realized the legislation's potential and decided they wanted to get in on the action. And now, a substitute bill is being drafted (at the request of the Virginia Municipal League and the Virginia Association of Counties) that would allow ANY Virginia locality to participate. Quite the clean-energy bandwagon we've created!

I will be in Richmond today at 2pm to testify for SB1212 before the Senate Local Government Committtee. Keep your fingers crossed...

UPDATE: Senate Local Government Committee passed SB1212 unanimously! Great to see such bipartisan support. Now, on to the full Senate and then the House of Delegates.

1 comment:

Sean McCord said...

Good work, Mayor Dave. Our little burg shows once again the advantage of progressive thinking. Good luck this afternoon.