Monday, September 10, 2007

EVI Hits the Big Time

Several years ago, my kids and I took a little sabbatical from Charlottesville and spent a year living at the EcoVillage of Ithaca (EVI). It was a wonderful place to retreat to, though I doubt I could ever live there full-time (one Upstate NY winter just about did me in!). Anyhow, I just found out that Time magazine has a feature story about the EcoVillage in this week's issue, and while it's impossible to capture the full essence of any community in 1,000 words or less, I think this reporter did a pretty good job. Read the article to see how a small group of people are trying to reduce their environmental footprint and eat lots of good organic food in the process. :-)


Tree hugging said...

I feel about the same way about Twin Oaks. If you've never visited there then it really is something worth seeing as a possible model of sustainability. Nontheless, while there are many things I feel we can learn from that community, I wouldn't personally choose to live there. I think intentional communities serve a great purpose both as social experiments and as models of how change can really happen.

Another one of my favorite intentional Communities is Innisfree Village which also is not only a great example of sustainability but also serves to demonstrate better ways of meeting the needs of people with disabilities. It even has a great CSA program, to demonstrate a better way to do agriculture in the County.

DaveNorris said...

I agree with your comments Lonnie. In addition to Twin Oaks and Innisfree, our region is also home to the Acorn Community, Shannon Farm, CHUVA, Little Flower, Yogaville, the Quarries, and I know I've missed a couple -- we're a real intentional community-oriented place, apparently. And now some friends of mine are helping to develop a community like EVI out in the Crozet area -- Blue Ridge Cohousing (, which is very exciting.